Thursday, February 28, 2013


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I can see that Siemans' connectivism learning theory could be the proverbial "fox in the hen house" for many educational academics. Let us consider Ken Robinson's theory that our current systems of learning and teaching have been created by academics to produce more acadamics, in other words, the more knowledge you can contain the more valuable you can become. If this had been the educational modus operandi for the past several hundred years, then to now teach people how to find information as they need it and retain only the essentials, does appear to fly in the face of educational history! Personally, when I see how much the average primary school teacher is expected to deliver to each student in their classroom, it does rather boggle the mind and make me consider the validity of Siemans' theory. With information so readily available online now, shouldn't an educators focus be on information literacy and how to discern the validity of information rather than on its retention? These are not questions for the future, they need to be answered now.

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