Monday, February 25, 2013

Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences

My Results for the Multiple Intelligence quiz:
According to the results from the online Felder and Solomon questionnaire, it would appear that my learning styles are reflective (like to work alone), intuitive (like innovation, dislike repetition), verbal (like written or spoken word) and global (like the big picture).  While this does appear to be accurate, I know that sometimes other methods can work just as well for me!

This demonstrates that as a learner, I should respond to a variety of styles. Given a class full of 25 (or more!) students, logic dictates that there could be the whole range of learning styles represented there.  To maximise and facilitate the learning experience a range of resources and tools should be offered in each lesson plan.  Profiling of student will help determine the learning styles of your students. Many online questionnaires are available, but remember they need to be tailored to suit the age of your student.  Personally, I have seen the MI Smarts one used effectively at the school where I work and think it suited to primary school age children.

ICT can be used very effectively to meet the whole spectrum of learning styles in any class.  With the range of Web 2.0 tools freely available these days for downloading and embedding, a multitude of learning style can easily be covered.  For example, if a school is using a learning management system such as Moodle, blogs and wikis can easily be created for students, suiting the learning style of the verbal learners (self smart). Visual learners (picture smart) can use  tools such as Mind Mapping tools or avatar creating tools like Voki. And the list could continue for all other styles of learning.

There are even enormous numbers of website, blogs and wikis dedicated to helping teachers find tools specific to learning styles such as Tools 4 U 2 Use.  I am not saying that any one blog, website or guru will have all the answers for your classroom (only you will know what works and what doesn't), but most are free, easy to use and feed back from other teaching professionals who have used them certainly will help you!

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