Thursday, April 4, 2013

SWOT Analysis on Wiki Mobil Phone Activity

A SWOT anaylsis can be used to help define student knowledge on a topic.  This can assist discovering what a student knows about a topic, misconceptions, obsticles to learning and what needs to be reinforced.  Here is one that I created for the Wiki activity:

·         Allows all individuals to participate including those who may be normally too shy to do so in class
·         Collaborative
·         Flexible
·         Real world use of ICT
·         Ongoing
·         Allow for higher order thinking
·         Reflective
·         Analytical
·         Easy to use
·         Safe environment
·         Information can be altered but previous versions in history
·         Trust
·         Teacher can track individual student participation through history
·         Assessment can be built in
·         Supports TPACK
·         Need ICT knowledge
·         Need suitable hardware
·         Students may not have internet access at home
·         Computers may be ‘offline’ at times
·         Can be fiddly, e.g. tables
·         Teacher can’t be in control at all times
·         Security needs to be firm
·         Real world learning and teaching
·         Students can use their creativity by embedding multimodal tools
·         Excellent opportunities for safe digital citizenship experiences: cybersafety, copyright, netiquette
·         Get to know and understand your students
·         Students get to know each other
·         Inappropriate behaviour
·         Breaches of copyright
·         Student resistance
·         Lack of ICT skills


1 comment:

  1. Holy cow Lyn, you've been busy, everything looks great! I don't need to moodle through to course materials to remind me what we've done ill just visit your blog!!

